in bloom | nguyen tran cuong

19 JAN - 25 FEB 2017


"In Bloom" is the latest collection of works from Vietnamese artist Nguyen Tran Cuong. The exhibition features lacquer paintings of floral arrangements, captured as objects of beauty and the blooming of which act as visual indicators of the seasons.

Nguyen is close to nature. From his near open-air studio, he observes and feels the seasons as they come and go. The blooming and blossoming at different times of the year act as visual cues to the changing seasons and provide him with the inspiration for these works. Nguyen paints floral arrangements in vases or pots, devoid of all pretention and plainly capturing the essence of simple beauty using the richness in tone and depth that only Vietnamese lacquer can give. As an overview of the exhibition, the presence of all the different floral species blooming together within a shared vacuum transforms the gallery space into a place of timelessness and contemplation.

"In Bloom" does not only offer a glimpse to Nguyen’s personal quiet pondering on the subject, it also serves as an invitation for viewers to pause and re-experience the beauty of seasonality.

Nguyen Tran Cuong (b. 1979, Hanoi, Vietnam) received his Bachelor of Arts, major in Traditional Lacquer, from the Hanoi University of Industrial Fine Arts, in 2004.  He currently lives and works in Hanoi. His works have been exhibited extensively across Asia and Europe. He has notably won a prize at the Philip Morris ASEAN 2003 Fine Arts Competition and participates actively in artist workshops and residencies across Asia.


綻放》是越南籍藝術家Nguyen Tran Cuong新的作品系列。Nguyen透過以瓷漆繪畫的花卉作品,捕捉花卉為美學物件及其綻放作為季節轉變的視覺特徵。

Nguyen 非常喜愛親近大自然。他常於半露天的工作室觀察和感受季節交替。一年中不同時期盛開的花朵揭示著季節的變化,並為藝術家帶來靈感。Nguyen以簡約的繪畫風格去表達插在花瓶或盆栽中的花朵,以瓷漆獨有的豐富色調及深度去捕捉簡約美的精粹。整體而言,展覽中不同品種的花卉於一個共享空間同時綻放,把畫廊空間轉化成一個永恆的寧靜和沈思的地方。



Nguyen Tran Cuong生於1979年越南河內,他於2004年從河內美術工業大學獲得文學士,主修傳統瓷漆。他的作品曾於亞洲及歐洲被廣泛展出。在2003年,他獲得由Philip Morris所創立的ASEAN藝術大賽獎項,及經常參與藝術家工作坊和亞洲區的藝術家駐留計畫。